Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Days 2-5

For this post, I'll be focusing more on Fiametta, since she's the one with the most going on.

She heads back to bar and it's her lucky day! She's found a man.

He's far more interested in her than the first guy was, and it isn't long before the two kiss and form a romantic relationship.

Also, someone brought their kid here. That's not relevant to anything, just thought I'd point it out.

But it isn't long before Fiametta takes Kurt back home to try for a baby. 
Unfortunately, my audio was turned off, so I didn't hear if the "baby chime" played.

Since it was still relatively early in the night, Kurt got up and started wandering around the house. Here he is, getting a book and walking like an idiot.

He ended up staying over the night and most of the next day at the house, somehow completely out of my sight. I didn't even notice him after he ate breakfast until he decided to leave.

But luckily enough, Fiametta is pregnant! Here is a very unflattering photo of her throwing up.

After that, not much happened. She practiced painting most of the time, and the other sisters practiced their skills.

I've been trying to get Gaia to catch a deathfish so I can make ambrosia. I, uh, don't think that's how you're supposed to fish, though.

Finally, after three days, Fiametta gives birth (while painting).

Introducing, our first child, Shui. The next post will probably be about him growing up into a toddler. 

ATLA update:

Since I was going over multiple Sim days, I watched a lot more episodes this time; finishing Jet and making it all the way to The Waterbending Master.

Also, quick rant, but I don't like The Waterbending Master. They seem to set the moral up to be "girls can do the same things boys do" (like they did in The Warriors of Kyoshi), but instead it's "girls can only do what boys can do if their teacher has some family connection with them". Or maybe I'm just reading into it too much.

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