Monday, June 25, 2018

Day 1

Since it's 8:00 a.m. in-game and most places aren't open yet, I had Fiametta practice her painting.

And isn't is just beautiful?

Truly a work of art that rivals the beauty of the Mona Lisa.

 Meanwhile, Arethusa makes breakfast for her sisters...

Ilma reads a book on Logic...

...and Gaia fishes in the nearby river.

Around noon, I decided it was time Fiametta head out and find a man. First stop is the local watering hole!

Aaaaand no one is here.

Well, technically not no one. A woman was on the bench out front. I had Fiametta practice her charisma on her until someone else showed up.

And in fact, someone did show up!

..another woman. Great.

She's also apparently a burglar. So that's cool I guess.


Gaia is at home, back from her fishing trip. She stopped at the store to get some seeds to plant in her lovely garden...

...and also sent a fish in the mail. Y'know. Like you do.

But finally, after hours of waiting, a man finally showed up! I immediately had Fiametta run up and start a conversation with him (which I don't have pictures of).

Back home Arethusa makes some mac n' cheese for dinner. 

Everyone eats and wonders if Fiametta will find a man tonight.

But as soon as I switch back to Fiametta, the man is nowhere to be found. I'm a little upset, but I figure I can call and have him hang out tomorrow, so I send Fiametta home

Thus ends Day 1.

Yeah...that was kinda short. Other stuff happened, but it was mostly just reading books and making food. I might combine a few days into one post if nothing really happens. 

As for where I am on my ATLA marathon, I've finished The Waterbending Scroll and am halfway through Jet. It probably would've taken me less time had my game not been so laggy :/

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