Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Days 2-5

For this post, I'll be focusing more on Fiametta, since she's the one with the most going on.

She heads back to bar and it's her lucky day! She's found a man.

He's far more interested in her than the first guy was, and it isn't long before the two kiss and form a romantic relationship.

Also, someone brought their kid here. That's not relevant to anything, just thought I'd point it out.

But it isn't long before Fiametta takes Kurt back home to try for a baby. 
Unfortunately, my audio was turned off, so I didn't hear if the "baby chime" played.

Since it was still relatively early in the night, Kurt got up and started wandering around the house. Here he is, getting a book and walking like an idiot.

He ended up staying over the night and most of the next day at the house, somehow completely out of my sight. I didn't even notice him after he ate breakfast until he decided to leave.

But luckily enough, Fiametta is pregnant! Here is a very unflattering photo of her throwing up.

After that, not much happened. She practiced painting most of the time, and the other sisters practiced their skills.

I've been trying to get Gaia to catch a deathfish so I can make ambrosia. I, uh, don't think that's how you're supposed to fish, though.

Finally, after three days, Fiametta gives birth (while painting).

Introducing, our first child, Shui. The next post will probably be about him growing up into a toddler. 

ATLA update:

Since I was going over multiple Sim days, I watched a lot more episodes this time; finishing Jet and making it all the way to The Waterbending Master.

Also, quick rant, but I don't like The Waterbending Master. They seem to set the moral up to be "girls can do the same things boys do" (like they did in The Warriors of Kyoshi), but instead it's "girls can only do what boys can do if their teacher has some family connection with them". Or maybe I'm just reading into it too much.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Day 1

Since it's 8:00 a.m. in-game and most places aren't open yet, I had Fiametta practice her painting.

And isn't is just beautiful?

Truly a work of art that rivals the beauty of the Mona Lisa.

 Meanwhile, Arethusa makes breakfast for her sisters...

Ilma reads a book on Logic...

...and Gaia fishes in the nearby river.

Around noon, I decided it was time Fiametta head out and find a man. First stop is the local watering hole!

Aaaaand no one is here.

Well, technically not no one. A woman was on the bench out front. I had Fiametta practice her charisma on her until someone else showed up.

And in fact, someone did show up!

..another woman. Great.

She's also apparently a burglar. So that's cool I guess.


Gaia is at home, back from her fishing trip. She stopped at the store to get some seeds to plant in her lovely garden...

...and also sent a fish in the mail. Y'know. Like you do.

But finally, after hours of waiting, a man finally showed up! I immediately had Fiametta run up and start a conversation with him (which I don't have pictures of).

Back home Arethusa makes some mac n' cheese for dinner. 

Everyone eats and wonders if Fiametta will find a man tonight.

But as soon as I switch back to Fiametta, the man is nowhere to be found. I'm a little upset, but I figure I can call and have him hang out tomorrow, so I send Fiametta home

Thus ends Day 1.

Yeah...that was kinda short. Other stuff happened, but it was mostly just reading books and making food. I might combine a few days into one post if nothing really happens. 

As for where I am on my ATLA marathon, I've finished The Waterbending Scroll and am halfway through Jet. It probably would've taken me less time had my game not been so laggy :/

An Introduction

(note: this was originally going to be on Tumblr, but since Tumblr won't let me upload pictures for some reason, I'm doing it here. If I figure out how to post photos on Tumblr, I will be moving it there.)

Welcome to The Sims 3 Four Immortal Sisters challenge. For those who want an entire rundown of the rules, here is a link to the challenge page.
Basically, I will be playing as four immortal sisters, each one representing one of the four elements (water, earth, fire, and air), arrive in a town of your choosing and decide to improve it by providing skilled children.

Meet the Sisters:

Fiametta - The Fire Sister

She finds suitable men to have a child with, dates them, and gives birth to the children,

Arethusa - The Water Sister

She does the cooking, cleaning, repairing, and takes care of the children.

Ilma - The Air Sister

She teaches the children as they get older.
And finally...

Gaia - The Earth Sister

She is the main source of income for the sisters, selling whatever she grows in the garden or fishes in the river.

The House

I know, I’m not exactly the most creative at building houses.
The house is split into four sections, one for each sister.

Fiametta’s side - bottom floor
Not pitcured: spiral staircase

Fiametta’s side - top floor
Not pictured: easel

Arethusa’s side - bottom floor
Not pictured: some decorative fountains and two spiral staircases

Arethusa’s side - basement
This is the bathroom, and will be used by everyone
Not pictured: two potty training toilets and a spiral staircase

Arethusa’s room - top floor
Not pictured: some kids toys

Ilma’s side - bottom floor

Ilma’s side - top floor
Not pictured: more bookshelves

Gaia’s side
Since she calls for a garden and doesn’t required anything besides the bed and workout equipment, I just made hers outside.

One Last Thing...

Since this challenge calls for four sisters representing the four elements, I decided the rewatch the entirety of Avatar: The Last Airbender as I complete this challenge. In the time it took me to build the house, characters, and create screenshots for this post, I have completed the first 8 episodes (The Boy in the Iceberg - Winter Solstice Part 2). I’ll probably bring up which episodes I’m on in each post.
With that said, enjoy this challenge!